Neat ne demek

What is a neat person?

A neat person likes everything to be clean and well arranged.

Is neat a good word?

Slang. great; wonderful; fine: What a neat car! clever, dexterous, or apt: She gave a neat characterization of the old woman.

What does neat work mean?

work built or formed to neat lines. See also: Neat.

What is meaning of neat and clean?

1] adj. 1 clean, tidy, and orderly. 2 liking or insisting on order and cleanliness; fastidious. 3 smoothly or competently done; efficient.

Can we say neater?

AdjectiveEdit The comparative form of neat; more neat.

What is a neat freak?

A "neat freak" is someone who likes to be neat. Of course, having to tidy up may be the neat freak's way to avoid becoming anxious. That's not such a bad thing. We all have our ways when it comes to avoiding what makes us anxious.

What is the synonym of Moody?

sullen, sulky, morose, gloomy, glum, moping, mopey, mopish, depressed, dejected, despondent, blue, melancholic, doleful, dour, dismal, sour, saturnine, lugubrious, introspective. informal down in the dumps, down in the mouth.