Dap 18 46

What is the use of 18 46 fertilizer?

Most concentrated phosphate-based fertilizer. It is perfect for any agriculture crop to provide full phosphorus nutrition throughout crop growth and development, as well as a starter dose of nitrogen and low sulphur.

What is DAP fertilizer used for?

Agricultural use DAP fertilizer is an excellent source of P and nitrogen (N) for plant nutrition. It's highly soluble and thus dissolves quickly in soil to release plant-available phosphate and ammonium. A notable property of DAP is the alkaline pH that develops around the dissolving granule.

What does DAP fertilizer contain?

Di-ammonium Phosphate popularly known as DAP is a preferred fertilizer in India because it contains both Nitrogen and Phosphorus which are primary macro-nutrients and part of 18 essential plant nutrients. DAP (NH4)2HPO4: Fertilizer grade DAP Contains 18% Nitrogen and 46% Phosphorus (P2O5)..

Which DAP fertilizer is the best?

Hindalco produces di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) fertiliser. It is the most popular phosphatic fertiliser because of its high nutrient content and good physical properties.

How much DAP should I use?

You can use the equivalent of the number of plants by hectare. For exemple: 100 kg DAP for 1 hectare = 100 kg DAP for 70.000 maize plants. 100 kg/70.000 = 1,428 g/pot.

Which is better NPK or DAP?

The farmers objected arguing that they wanted to use the fertiliser they trusted — DAP. Actually, NP fertiliser is more concentrated in nitrogen but weaker in phosphate. … The argument by extension officers that the NPK fertiliser is superior to DAP because the latter does not acidify soils is highly debatable.

Is DAP good for plants?

Di-ammonium Phosphate popularly known as DAP is a preferred fertilizer in India because it contains both Nitrogen and Phosphorus which are primary macro-nutrients and part of 18 essential plant nutrients. … DAP fertilizer is an excellent source of P and nitrogen (N) for plant nutrition.