Crude oil price data

What is the price of crude oil today?

WTI Crude90.96+0.76%
Brent Crude91.61+0.55%
Natural Gas5.071+3.74%
Heating Oil2.852+0.43%
Gasoline •22 hours2.662+0.74%

What’s the highest oil price ever?

Historically, Crude oil reached an all time high of 147.27 in July of 2008.

What is the current price of a barrel of oil?

88.26 per barrel The current price of WTI crude oil as of February 02, 2022 is 88.26 per barrel.

What is the lowest oil price ever?

US$30.28 a barrel On 23 December 2008, WTI crude oil spot price fell to US$30.28 a barrel, the lowest since the financial crisis of 2007–2008 began. The price sharply rebounded after the crisis and rose to US$82 a barrel in 2009.

Why is petrol so expensive?

With global demand for fuel increasing as economies reopen, the Opec countries and Russia have reduced oil production – sending the price of crude sharply higher.

What does WTI crude stand for?

West Texas Intermediate “West Texas Intermediate” (WTI) oil is another benchmark used by oil markets, representing oil produced in the U.S. It is based on oil at a large tank and pipeline hub in Cushing, Oklahoma. Like Brent oil, WTI is priced as a light oil, but it doesn't have the same global reach.

How much is a barrel of oil 2021?

In December 2021, the average price of one barrel of Brent crude oil was 74.17 U.S. dollars.