Albert einstein and stephen hawking

Who was smarter Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking?

Both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160. But, Hawking achieved more in the same amount of time as Einstein had.

What does Stephen Hawking think of Albert Einstein?

Stephen Hawking, the world-renowned astrophysicist who died in 2018, was at least Einstein's equal in the art of self-marketing. In his book, My Brief History, Hawking wrote that, “For my colleagues, I am only one physicist among many, but perhaps I have become the most famous scientist in the world for the public.”

What is the difference between Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking?

Both Hawking and Einstein were interested in the vastness of space, black holes, wormholes, and time travel. However, Einstein looked at things from a relativistic point of view while Hawking focused more on quantum physics.

Who is Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking?

The video features 20th-century German-American theoretical physicist Albert Einstein (portrayed by Zach Sherwin) and English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking (portrayed by NicePeter) facing off in a rap battle. American astronomer Carl Sagan (portrayed by EpicLLOYD) makes a brief cameo appearance.

What was Einstein’s IQ?

A score of 135 or above puts a person in the 99th percentile of the population. News articles often put Einstein's IQ at 160, though it's unclear what that estimate is based upon.

Who has a higher IQ than Albert Einstein?

An eight-year-old girl living in Mexico has a higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ) than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Adhara Perez has an IQ of 162 in comparison to Einstein and Hawkings who had an estimated IQ of 160. Perez, who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, lives in the slums of Tlahuac in Mexico.

How many IQ does Albert Einstein have?

160 A score of 135 or above puts a person in the 99th percentile of the population. News articles often put Einstein's IQ at 160, though it's unclear what that estimate is based upon.